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    The basis of our editorial policy is in strengthening and developing the tradition of the national statistical periodical journal as a regular platform for the publication of materials on topical issues of statistics (both domestic and international) and the results of the largest studies of leading scientists and statisticians. It accumulates experience of a very long history of the journal "Voprosy Statistiki". In its activities the editorial board and the editor-in-chief are guided by ethical principles set forth by the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (Moscow, Russia) in the "Code of Ethics of scientific publications".

    The core goal of editorial policy is to increaseó the demand for the journal "Voprosy Statistiki" and the sustainability of its distribution by maintaining the high quality of publications, consistent with international standards of scientific information resources. The main objectives are: representation and promotion of research achievements in the field of statistics as a science, as an academic subject and practical activity; dissemination of statistical knowledge for different groups of readers; attracting leading scientists and experts to discuss critical issues of development of statistics as a tool for knowledge and managing socio-economic processes.

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