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    As a rule, the Editorial office considers manuscripts with a total volume of up to 0.5 of the author’s sheet in electronic format (created in Word MS Office any version), which should be send to the official e-mail of the journal “Voprosy Statistiki”: voprstat@mtu-net.ru, voprstat @ yandex.ru, or delivered to the Editorial office on an electronic devise along with the printed version of the manuscript (one copy).
    When typing the article in the text editor (MS Word) the author should comply with generally accepted standards of typing. Centered lines should be indented using only indentations, and not spaces. If necessary, text fragments should be accentuated with bold or italic font.

    While formatting tables the author should make sure that there are no lines with different content, i.e. for each table item there is a corresponding sell. All visible cell boarders in tables should be drawn as a continuous black line with width of 0.5 points. The text and numbers within cells should be aligned using standard tools rather than spaces or empty lines. Enter button inside the cell (excluding “headers”) should not be used.
    For graphs and charts the file must contain the source numbers (often the charts need to be reconstructed) in the original format (MS Excel, MS Graf, etc.). Charts from MS Excel documents should be inserted into Word as objects (Edit – Paste special). Illustrative materials should be subsequently numbered throughout the paper (Table 1, Table 2 and Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, etc.). Electronic version of the photographs should be supplied in TIFF format in the highest dots-per-inch resolution and color depth possible (no less than 300 dpi). JPEG format can be used to reduce the file size only if the image is send via e-mail.
    Articles should contain abstracts (in Russian and English) and keywords (4-6 words). Abstract (approximately from 200 to 250 words) should include brief contents of the topic and key issues outlined in the article, its goals and the obtained results. It is advisable to specify that new findings and information brings this article in comparison with other publications on similar topics.

    According to international standards, the authors should specify the JEL classification codes (available at: http://www.aeaweb.org/jel/jel_class_system.php ). After the text of the article the reference list should be presented. Bibliographic record for the reference list should contain information about the documents used in the process of preparing the manuscript, and it should be prepared in accordance with GOST 7.1, 7.80, and the bibliographic record for endnotes should be done in line with - GOST 7.0.5. Bibliographic records in the reference list should be numbered.
    The author’s details should be provided in a footnote, indicating his full name, place of work, position, academic titles and degrees, address, contact phone and e-mail.

    The editors do not consider previously published works or simultaneous submissions, as well as those submissions which do not meet the abovementioned content and layout requirements.

    The Editors do not have the ability to engage with readers and authors in conversation, review and to return the unordered materials.

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